Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Hi there, and welcome to Baby Fat! 

My name is Kerri Kivolowitz, and I am a stay at home mom to two awesome little ones (ages two years and three months).

I started this site as an opportunity to help all those pregnant ladies and new mommies out there, who are feeling overwhelmed by the glut of baby products on the market and that ridiculously long list of potential registry items your local baby store is telling you that you must buy. 

Most of the review sites out there are focused on specific, popular brands of baby gear, while most new moms out there are just trying to figure out which way the diaper goes on and whether or not they actually need the baby swing, vibrating chair AND the bouncer.  Here, I will focus on the basics of buying for baby, and offer up a practical guide on what you to purchase that ACTUALLY WORKS, and how it might fit in with your lifestyle and needs.

Thanks for stopping by, and please don't be shy about leaving a question or comment.

Happy shopping,
Kerri K